
Welcome to the HAMAWARD.DE website, a site for radio amateurs.

Diplomas are awarded to radio amateurs for services rendered. For this purpose, the conditions specified in the announcement must be fulfilled. In most cases, the corresponding QSL cards must be presented.
In neighbouring countries, this time-consuming procedure is replaced by an online version. This should also be possible in DL.

So entstand 2019 die erste Aktion:

60 years passengerjet „152“ – April to December 2018

The 35-minute maiden flight of the ‘152’ took place on 4 December 1958. This made the 152 the first German passenger jet aeroplane developed in the 1950s. A whole series of OMs would like to commemorate this engineering achievement with this campaign.
These include members of the Flieger-Funk-Runde e.V., members of OV Dresden Nord and many other YLs and OMs.

The special station ‘DM152ZYA’ and the club stations brought 9637 QS’s into the log. The most active stations were able to apply for a short-term diploma. This diploma was sent to 107 stations.

100 years „Junkers F 13“ – January to June 2019

After the First World War, engineers and technicians led by Hugo Junkers and Otto Reuters began designing and building a new type of passenger aeroplane. The aircraft was developed exclusively for civilian use. The first flight took place on 25 June 1919. Several record flights followed.
Five original aeroplanes are still known to exist and can be seen in various museums in Europe.

… further actions followed …